Friday, February 03, 2006

Addressing the bible: Part 1

Part1: On the Bible's Author.

It is my deeply held and much-considered opinion that a given argument, fact, opinion, history, etc. should stand or fall on its own merit, not on the credibility given to it’s creator.

It is therefore the MERIT of what is found within the bible that should be discussed, studied, and decided upon, not the author(s).

The question of "who wrote the bible" , although deeply interesting for historical discourse, is irrelevent for a spiritual and/or moral discussion. The quesiton of the authorship of the bible is irrelevant.


I am so blessed to be a part of the familiy that I belong to.
I have basement issues. In my house, right. There was much, much cleaning neading to be done.
I've been working 70 hour weeks and had only been able to inch away at it, so, while I was out of town for 4 days, my Mom and Aunt Betty came over and spent 5 hours making it spick-and-span.

I cannot say how much I'm touched by these sorts of unsolicited gifts of ones self. And, in my family, they happen all the time.


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Byte me.

I don’t need no arms around me…
I don’t need no drugs to calm me…
I have seen the writing on the wall…
Don’t think I need anything at all...
No. Don’t think I need anything at all.

All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.

I hate to admit this, but I think Korn does this better than Floyd did. More visceral and angry.

DBT-50000 when using DBCA.bat on Windows (Oracle 19.11)

I’ve been having some trouble getting DBCA to run in order to create databases. Thought I’d share it with you, and thus document it for la...