Monday, December 30, 2019

Change font for "Connections", "Reports", etc in Oracle SQL Developer

NOTE: These instruction apply to the connections, reports, menus, etc in Oracle SQL Developer. If you are looking to change the font of your PL/SQL Code, these instructions in StackOverflow are for you.

I found instructions here for changing fonts in Oracle SQL Developer (OSD) menus and trees, but being sloppy caused me to struggled a bit.

 (Story of my life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) 

A couples things that should probably have been obvious, but were cheerfully ignored by the idiot with a laptop (Dr. Who Reference) :
1) Before making any changes, shut down Oracle SQL Developer.
    This is important because the file gets overwritten when OSD is closed.
2) Make the recommended changes to the file at:
C:\Users\\AppData*\Roaming\SQL Developer\system19.\o.sqldeveloper\
NOTE*: AppData is a hidden file.
      In Windows Explorer, go to view and make sure hidden files are enabled.
NOTE: This was true for OSD  Version, Build 247.2212
      The system19* folder details may change for previous or subsequent releases

3) Start OSD and enjoy not having to squint at your connection data ;-)

Another quick note: If Oracle would open-source OSD, I would be happy to add a menu item that would set this font. This is an example of the ways in which OSD, which is a FANTASTIC TOOL all things considered, nonetheless feels just sort of unfinished.

Big thanks to Jeff Smith for publishing instructions on this topic. :-D

DBT-50000 when using DBCA.bat on Windows (Oracle 19.11)

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