Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday's productivity Drop-off

It's Friday, and my productivity is clearly dropping off. (Notes in lower left corner of image)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Fay Weldon who has found God after 70 years as atheist talks to Stuart Jeffries

Guardian Unlimited Books By genre Fay Weldon who has found God after 70 years as atheist talks to Stuart Jeffries

I think it's sad that people can't express certain opinions that aren't extreme. I agree with much of what Fay says, particularly in terms of women having all the power, and the attitude towards sin (expressed in this case as adultery). It's not the end of the world, just come back to earth, yeah?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


My daughter, who turned 6 years old about a month ago, asked me tonight:
daughter - Dad, Why do we live?
Dad - I don't know, honey.
Daughter - Dad - is this real or am I dreaming? *smile*
Dad - it's real, baby. *smile*

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years after 9/11, many angry at U.S. - Yahoo! News

5 years after 9/11, many angry at U.S. - Yahoo! News

Bush could have been the greates president ever. Instead, we decided to invade Iraq. By we, I mean the guy who thinks we elected him king.

Worst. President. Ever.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My heart goes out to him

My heart goes out to a young friend. Tonight finds him cought in the throes of Naz(arene)ism. it is unfortunate that we have set the bar so high that it is impossible for a young man to measure up. It is tragic that we are producing teens and young adults that are so damaged. This poor boy actually stated that he was afraid to date, because he knew he'd have sex.

One of the devil's greatest tricks is to convince us that sex is somehow fundamentally bad. Examples:
1. Jesus MUST not have been married or had children, becuase he was sinless. I've heard this many times. My response - gah?
2. Masturbation as sin - everyone's taught it is. I found as a young man that if I didn't handle it, it handled me. Masturbation doesn't hurt anyone, and it relieves a legitimat physical NEED.
3. Priests not able to marry. I don't know where to begin on this.

I don't beleive that we have to resist everything that makes us human.

I wonder -when are they going to tell us we can't poop? Ya' konw, that's pretty icky and dirty. Gotta be sinful.

The Database is not accessible after creating Always On Availability Group

 Having created a fully functional SQL Server Always On Availability Group, I connect using SSMS. Upon trying to expand the database, I get ...