Monday, December 16, 2019

WebSphere Application Server - DB2 RS Transaction Isolation Level is Default

In WebSphere, the default transaction level is set to something very restrictive.
It’s likely that they haven’t changed this in their app server configuration.
Have them check the webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel custom property on their data sources.

“If the database connection is obtained in a servlet, JSP, or session bean, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ is used by default.”
JDBC Isolation Level
DB2 Isolation Level
TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ           Read Stability (RS)  Deafult
TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED          Cursor Stability (CS) What we want

“In WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and above, the webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel custom property can be set on a data source to change the default isolation level that is used even if indirect JNDI lookups and resource references are not used by the application.”

Procedure for changing this setting in WAS 8.5.5 can be found here:

DBT-50000 when using DBCA.bat on Windows (Oracle 19.11)

I’ve been having some trouble getting DBCA to run in order to create databases. Thought I’d share it with you, and thus document it for la...