Wednesday, July 17, 2019

LABELS not working in .bat file. Error: The system cannot find the batch label specified

I've often run across the issue where
- I write a .bat file with a label.
- The label is quite valid
- The system throws the error: The system cannot find the batch label specified

I've found this to be an issue of line terminators.
I typically use Notepad++ for editing .bat files. It tends to use Unix line terminators. (Just LF, or \n)
I need to change these to be \r\n (carriage return & new line)

This also seems to impact statement blocks for IF statements.
IF "%1"=="SomeValue"(
  echo %1
  echo I just echoed %1
  set myvalue=%1

I have not carefully tested, but I get the same sort of weird errors for perfectly valid statements. I'm guessing they're related.

Best of luck!

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