Monday, March 09, 2009

Homework: Too Much Too Soon?

Homework: Too Much Too Soon? - MSN Health & Fitness - Health Topics
As anti-homework advocates love to point out—and by this we mean educational psychologists and educators, not kids who'd rather be playing Wii—100 years of research have failed to prove conclusively that homework administered prior to middle school increases academic performance, improves skill sets, or leads to higher levels of achievement.

I've known this instinctively since the day I realized that my young children were bringing homework home every night.
My 3rd grader has, in many cases, an hour of homework every night.
My middle school daughter, on the other hand, seldom has any homework at all and is on the 'A' honor role.

I'm as concerned that my middleschooler doesn't have homework as I am that my 3rd grader does. We are doing this exactly backwards, and I cannot seem to get anyone in the school district to heed my concerns. I'm sure this will slowly work itself out over time, but my kids are in these situations now. Very frustrating...

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